For the next month we'll be operating under the influence of Eclipses, Retrogrades and Wonky Energy…
along with the Divine Feminine and Trickster tossed in for good measure.
Just in case you were afraid that it might get a bit boring!
Normally I don’t write about astrological influences, well…
because I’m a Numerologist not an Astrologer (said in my best impersonation of Star Trek’s Dr. “Bones” McCoy).
It’s not for lack of trying though.
I’ve studied astrology...
Categories: Numerology, Self-Care, Grounding, Energy, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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March’s playful, lighter, 3 vibration energy was nudging you to reconnect to and nurture your inner child.
Did you allow yourself fun and playtime in March? Did you experience more authentic self-expression? Did you tap into your creative essence more deeply or regularly?
I hope so!
Because now it's time to switch gears and get down to business!
Even though we still have a Cosmic Slowdown in effect, thanks to Mercury Retrograde. Even though Mercury will go...
Categories: Numerology, Responsibility, Self-Care, Grounding, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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March whispers… come out and play… Yes, it’s time to reconnect with that beautiful, sparkly kid within you.
We’re in the 2 energy of relationships all year long.
Last month, February (also a 2 vibration) was suggesting (strongly) that you start cultivating a better relationship with yourself.
Become your own best friend.
Be kind and patient with yourself.
Now we slide into March and the delightful 3 vibration. Ahh, that number 3 energy beckons to...
Categories: Numerology, Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Grounding, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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Teamwork and Cooperation and Collaboration, Oh My
Balance and Duality and Patience, O. M. G.
Yep, buckle your seatbelts. Remember to Breathe.
We’re going in deep this year.
Why you ask?
Because we jump from the 1 vibration of 2017 to the 2 vibration of 2018.
Not just any ole 2 either…
this one has the 11 “Visionary Teacher Master Number” riding shotgun, offering some colorful assistance and running its own programs in the background...
Categories: Numerology, Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Grounding, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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If not, then April’s 4 vibration is telling you that it is time to get your ducks all lined up and organized!
Quite a different energy than March’s desire for play, joy, socializing and self-expression, April is saying ‘break’s over, time for work.’
Not just any work or work for work’s sake, but PURPOSFUL work.
April’s energy prompts you (and can also prod you) to work on building a more sustainable way of being and...
Categories: Numerology, Self-Care, Grounding, Energy, Empowerment
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April says it’s time to get back to work, focus and pay attention to details.
Yes, we are switching gears from the lighter playful atmosphere of the 3 vibration in March to the seemingly heavier vibration of the 4 for April.
In numerology, April is a 4 vibration.
The 4 vibration resonates with the characteristics of Stability, Focus, Process, Security, Detail, Organization, Concentration, Precision, Practical, Responsible and Dedicated Effort.
The 4 is one of the...
Categories: Numerology, Grounding, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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The theme for the past month or so seems to be Slow Down.
While life may be hectic, and situations may be making you feel totally overwhelmed and confused, and you may be stressing out on how are you ever going to get it all done…
the Universe is saying slow down, this isn’t a race.
I’m not saying to abdicate your responsibilities and plop on the couch and eat chips and watch TV. Instead,...
Categories: Healing, Self-Care, Grounding
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Clients and others I meet keep asking me about grounding and protecting their energy: what does it mean, how do I do it, when do I do it, why do I do it, and is it something they should consider doing too.
So here is the first in what may turn out to be a series of posts on grounding.
1) What does grounding mean?
Grounding is a simple way to connect your energy to...
Categories: Grounding, Protecting, Energy, Angels
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