Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen."
~ Wayne Dyer

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Sunday, March 8, 2015

March, 3, How Are You Nurturing Yourself? picture of feet soaking in bathYou are probably more comfortable nurturing others than yourself.

Giving, doing, helping.

Do you even make time for you in your crazy busy day?

Well this month (March) the 3 vibration energy is asking your to switch the focus from others to YOU.

Ok. Take a breath and calm down.


I’m not suggesting you ignore other people or neglect them.

I’m simply suggesting that you put you on your list of people to nurture!

Ideally you’d slide right into the #1 spot (which, by the way, you so freaking deserve!)…

but being a realist, if you can commit to at least doing something every day or even every other day to nurture yourself, you will experience a wondrous transformation.

For starters, you might not be as friggin exhausted, chasing around after everyone else and your multitude of to-dos.

You might also feel less annoyed, frustrated and resentful because you do so much for all these people and get not so much or nada in return.

If this is you… then please, do yourself a huge favor.

Stop putting everyone and everything else first. It isn’t healthy.

And if you start slipping into guilt because you’d be acting selfishly, stop it!

It is not selfish it is self-love. There is a difference!

So this month commit to at least 1 thing you can do every blessed day to nurture yourself.

Show yourself some LOVE.

Treat yourself with love, pamper yourself.

This doesn’t mean self-indulgence… which is the shadow of the 3.

It means healthy doses of TLC.

You can do it. Really!


What’s the deal on the 3 vibration any way…

March is the third month of the year, so according to numerology, the month has the 3 vibration as its core energy.The Light Side of the 3 vibration

The 3 vibration which is all about Joy, Nurturing, Self-Expression, Sensitivity, Enjoyment, Socializing, Friendly, Artistic, Sensual, Passionate, Enthusiastic, and Playful.

This March my guides and angels tell me the focus is on nurturing

... nurturing yourself, a loved one, a creative project, a business idea, your book, a music composition, craft, art, etc.

You get the idea.

And if the nurturing includes self-expression and joy, well you’re golden!

Joy is a wonderful state of being.

Very high vibration (up there with bliss, unconditional love and peace).

Yet I see people struggle with connecting to their joy.

When I asked my guides and angels why, they said that grief and anger block access to joy.

Hmmmm. Interesting.

So if you are a beautiful soul that has a struggle with accessing your joy, or even having the slightest idea of what joy is, then I invite you to take a look inside.

Is there some anger seething beneath the surface?

Is there grief you’ve pushed down or denied and not expressed?

If so, release the need to judge it.

It isn’t as scary, overwhelming or bad as you may think. Yeah. It can feel that way at times. I really do understand.

So if this is something you struggle with I suggest that this is a great month to nurture yourself by seeking help in acknowledging and releasing your anger or grief.

Or both.

And sometimes they are tightly tied together.

It isn’t easy. So be gentle with yourself.

Take baby steps.

And reach for whatever level of joy or playful you can at this time.

Do more things to make you laugh.

Watch movies, read funny books, watch animals play. Our new kitten gives us lots of reasons to smile and laugh every day.

Other Factors

We start off the month in a water sign of Pisces, so you may need some emotional TLC.

And since February was dealing with a lot of relationship stuff, and a Mercury retrograde messing with communications, you may have some ruffled feathers to smooth down.

We have a brilliant full moon on March 5th, which is a great time to let go of things that no longer serve or support you.

We have a new moon on the 20th which is also the Vernal Equinox (aka the Spring Equinox for those of us in the northern hemisphere).

Excellent time to create something new…

you have the new moon, equinox and march energy all working together.

Envision what you want, express it and create it.

Remember, you still have the full or new moon influence for a few days before and after the actual date of the full or new moon.

On the 21st we move into the fire sign of Aries, so this might be the ideal time to ignite your passion and take the necessary action to create what you desire.

Shadow Side of the 3 vibration

Also, be aware or notice if you are acting fickle, needing attention or feeling self-indulgent,

you may be dealing with the shadow of the 3 vibration.

Find something fun or creative or nurturing to do to shift you back to the light side.




Some questions to ask or journal about:

What brings you joy, makes you feel happy or simply brings a smile to your face?

What does joy feel like to you?

What memories remind you of joyful times?

What can you do to be more playful?

What can you do to nurture, nourish and honor yourself?

What can you do to lighten your load?

How can you safely express your feelings?

How can you add more fun and laughter into your life?

What can you do to nurture, nourish and pamper yourself?

How can you honor your feelings and express them safely?

What can you do to lighten up or lighten your load?

How are you communicating?

What ways would you like to communicate (words, art, music, other)?

How would you like to express yourself?

What people would you like to spend time with?

What people hold you back or bring you down?

How will you make time for some TLC for yourself?

How can you invite more creativity into your life?

Where are you judging yourself for being or feeling selfish?

Where are you experiencing fickleness? (with self or others)

Where is your passion or desire overriding your common sense (to your detriment)?

Where are you allowing vanity to hold you back?

Where are you allowing a desire to please or be seen and appreciated to undermine your self-esteem?

Where are you being self-indulgent?


Bottom LineReach for the level of Joy or Playful or Lightness that is available to you

Allow yourself to get in touch with any unexpressed anger or grief that blocks your joy so that you can release it.

You’ve probably been going a thousand miles an hour trying to do-do-do, so please take time to nurture yourself this month.

Let joy be your guide. Lighten up! Go play. Do things that are fun.

Be sure to watch my March video which has additional information and insights… and may even make you smile.

Nurture yourself! And patient and gentle with yourself!

Love & Blessings,


Oh yeah, for more insights on 2015 you might want to watch my 2015 video update too.

PS. I'd love to hear your experiences on dealing with the energy of March... You can share in the comments area below!

PPS. Share the love… if you like what you read, please like it and share it on your favorite social media sites. Thanks a bunch!

I invite you to check out my Facebook page too

(note, some graphics elements are courtesy of Microsoft corporation)

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Sunday, March 8, 2015 3:54 PM
Categories: Numerology, Healing, Love, Self-Care, Energy, Angels, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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