Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Tom Flores

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen Winkelman Friday, March 31, 2017
My Best Friend died a year ago today. March 31, 2016; his sister let me know that day. I thought I handled it well. Was I shocked and surprised? Yes. My best friend was gone. John was gone.   Someone who had been an important part of my life for most of my life had left the stage. Final curtain. It took a while for the reality to settle in. Things I wanted to say...
Categories: Gratitude, Self-Awareness Read Full Post
by Karen Winkelman Tuesday, March 14, 2017
How are you expressing yourself? Joyfully, truthfully, passionately... quietly, peacefully, creatively… intermittently, smugly, apologetically… or are you expressing in other ways or multiple ways? Are you expressing yourself in a way that others expect you to, or are you being true to you? Or are you feeling shut down and not really expressing at all? Well the 3 Vibration of this month (March), combined with the 1 Vibration of all 2017, puts you on notice:...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Angels, Self-Awareness, Empowerment Read Full Post
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