Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ O. W. Holmes

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by Karen Winkelman Monday, November 14, 2016

Full Moon picture with words The Numerology Influence of this Full Super MoonSome thoughts on this full moon from a numerology perspective.

My friend Sharon Hess asked me to comment on the Super Moon tonight.

I usually let my astrologer friends do this.

However, when I looked at the vibration of the date I realize there is another piece of information that might help you.

The energy is intense...

Be prepared to feel deeply - even if you have no clue where it is coming from.

Feel. Breathe. Feel. Breathe some more.

(of course you could try to avoid feeling! Although that path is more struggle than it is worth!)

Full Moon + 2016's 9 vibration is a sure bet that it is TIME to let go of things that are outdated and obsolete and holding you back or dragging you down.

It is also time to release all those unexpressed and denied (aka "stuffed" and ignored) emotions.

It will lighten your load and raise your vibration.


From a numerology perspective, the date of this Full Super Moon (11/14/2016)  is a 16 vibration... which represents tearing down the old structures that no longer serve.

The number 16 reduces to the number 7 which is a call to be introspective...

look within...

especially for the answers or understanding around why things are the way they are in your life.

Retreat, Release, and Refill Your Well.


Your sense of security originates from inside of you... not the external world.

What changes do you need to make?

What is ending or needs to end? (This is the ongoing gift of the 9 vibration of 2016 we've simmered in all year long.)

Remember the full and new moons have an influence of several days.

Bottom line, go within, let it go!

with love & blessings for you,


PS. Thanks in advance for liking and sharing my posts!

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page too!

I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!


Posted by Karen Winkelman on Monday, November 14, 2016 9:05 PM
Categories: Numerology, Energy, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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The Numerology Influence of this Super Full Moon
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