The atmosphere of change, flexibly and freedom shifts to love as we move into June.
June is a 6 vibration which is about Love, Harmony, Responsibility, Acceptance, Community, Service, Beauty, Creativity and Peace.
The message of 6 reminds you to love yourself… as well as others.
To love who you are and learn to accept yourself exactly as you are.
And in doing so, you learn to love and accept others “as is” too.
This month you might find you desire peace and contentment and wonder why “we can all just get along!”
Since the 6 vibration is all about love, it is no surprise that so many weddings take place in June.
You are already quite familiar with the 6 vibration as we were dealing with it all last year (2013).
Now we’re in the 7 vibration year of 2014, so the 6 vibration of June is working within a different energy than last June.
Last June was like a double dose of 6 energy. This June, the 6 and 7 do their dance as the 6 inspires the 7 to come more from the heart than from the head.
Of course all of 2014 is learning to get the logic mind (head) and intuition/inner knowingness (heart) working together.
When you are dealing with a particular energy,
everything not in alignment with it will come up for you to look at.
So for June, everywhere that you are out of alignment with the energy of love will show up for you so you can become aware of it and shift it.
If you are a people pleaser or over-giver, you may experience people being more demanding so you can learn to stop a behavior that undermines your self-esteem and begin to show yourself more love.
If you take responsibility for everything, you might be experiencing people blaming or wanting you to take on even more responsibility.
This is the Universe showing you that you need boundaries and nudging you to say enough is enough!
Pay attention to the mirrors and signs that show up in your life to help you return to a place of love and self-love and inner peace.
Also pay attention to messages you are getting.
Trust and follow your heart…
and learn to discern the difference between true guidance and your mind telling you that this is what your heart is guiding you to do!
Yes, indeed, we do succumb to this mind trick if we’re not careful.
And it is usually something we can rationalize, so it makes following the false guidance seem like a good or logical idea.
June starts off in the air sign of Gemini, so you might find that you are in your head a lot, especially around love and harmony and family. Instead of feeling and trusting your intuition, you might get into analyzing and overthinking things. Just be aware and shift from being in your head to being in your heart.
June 21st we move into the water sign Cancer which will shift the emphasis from your thoughts to your emotions for the balance of June.
We will also be dealing with Mercury retrograde for most of June, beginning on June 7th and ending on July 1st.
So back up your computers and take extra time with your communications – spoken and written!
There might be Mercury mischief afoot.
With Mercury being retrograde,
I expect that emotions that surface this month
will be dealing with past events.
And you may want to explore and heal issues in your past around shame, blame, being a victim, over-giving, feeling like a doormat or martyr, having too many family obligations, not having a family or relationship, feeling like an outcast or outsider, and feeling overwhelmed with responsibility.
June is asking you to practice coming from a place of love in all that you do.
How can you apply more love to a situation?
What would love do or say in this situation?
How can you show yourself more love?
June is also supporting you in any creative endeavor that tickles your fancy.
It is encouraging you to express beauty and harmony in your life. Perhaps you might be inspired to paint a room, decorate your house, create a garden or add to it.
Family takes a spotlight in June, as does connecting with a like-minded community.
Some questions to ask or journal about:
Where are you being responsible for more than your share?
How can you bring more beauty and harmony into your environment: home and work?
How do you wish to be of service?
Where are you over-giving?
How can you allow yourself to receive more?
Are you asking for help or support? If not, why?
Where are you expressing love in your life?
What can you do to show yourself more love?
What creative project would you enjoy doing now?
What would make you feel creative?
What would help you restore peace and harmony in your life?
Where do you need to create stronger boundaries?
This month I invite you to explore giving and receiving more love in your life.
And to look at ways to bring more beauty, creativity and peace into your life.
Even if they are small steps, small gestures, it will make a difference. Every little bit helps.
May you have a beautiful month filled with love, peace and community.
Love & blessings,
PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on dealing with the energy of June, and love... feel free to share in the comments area below!
And if you like what you read, please share it on your favorite social media sites. My heartfelt appreciation in advance!
PPS. If you are interested in learning more about numerology or about your personal or business numerology is affecting your life, consider scheduling a session with me. You can learn more about it here
You can also check out my numerology video updates on my homepage... or you can also find them on my video page – look under drop-down menu for the June Update.
(some elements of the graphics are courtesy of Microsoft Corporation)