Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Wayne Dyer

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by Karen M. Winkelman Sunday, September 1, 2013

As we move from August’s emphasis on money, personal power/giving your power away, choosing ego or spirit, and being acknowledged… courtesy of the 8 vibration… take some time to look back over the month and do a little assessment.

You can journal on these if you like. Reflecting on these in any way will help you with September’s energetic pull to let it go.

  • How did finances play a role in August? How did you handle them?
  • How did ego show up for you? How did you balance heart/intuitive guidance with your ego?
  • How did you stand in your power this month? How and where did you give it away?
  • How did you acknowledge yourself and what you accomplished? How did others?
  • What emotional charge do you have around any of these “8 vibration” things?
  • Are you ready to let go of this?

The good news is, if you are ready and willing to let go, September’s 9 vibration can assist you!

For many, September is the end of summer and going back to school. In numerology, September is a 9 vibrational month.

The 9 signifies and end of a cycle, completion. In October a new cycle begins. (So maybe school should really start in October!)

The 9 is about Truth, Integrity, Wisdom, Compassion, Inspiration, Caring, Empathy, Forgiveness, Completion, and Letting Go of what no longer serves you.

September is a great time for you to take a look at your life, your home, your relationships and your work from the perspective of:

  • Do I love this?
  • Do I want this?
  • Does this “fit” who I now am?
  • Does this serve my highest good?
  • Does it make me happy?
  • Is it healthy for me?

If you get a “no” answer, then why are you holding on to it?

If you are ready to let it go, then take some steps to do so. Create and exit plan for whatever is no longer working for you.

The focus for September is on clearing clutter, letting go of people, things and behaviors that no longer serve you, taking care of your health, learning what is true for you, and standing in integrity. 

Release the things (including thoughts and habits) that are not in alignment with who you are becoming (or wanting to be).

Most of the month you will also be dealing with the sun sign of Virgo. With Virgo dominating the astrological aspects of September, letting go of stuff and especially the need to control, could be challenging! 

Now Virgo can certainly help you let go of clutter and get organized… but when you really start clearing the decks, Virgo may dig in its heels! You see, Virgo is an earth sign and likes to feel in control, safe and secure. And if you are wanting to change too many things, Virgo might be the “push-back” that you feel, supporting your mind’s desire to remain the same rather than your Soul’s calling for change. Just be aware of this and tell Virgo (and your Mind) that you are safe and you are answering to a higher power… your Spirit!

This month is a perfect time for inner work and self-awareness, learning to trust the flow of life and relinquishing the need to control.

Choose what works for you and be willing to release the things that don’t. When you are aligned with the energy of the 9, it will feel empowering and liberating.

You can watch my September video update here.

(Note, the current month’s video is always the feature on the page, but you can view past videos by selecting from the “Select Video” dropdown menu under the current video.)

Create an empowering and liberating month!

Love & Blessings,


Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Sunday, September 1, 2013 12:00 AM
Categories: Numerology, Energy, Self-Awareness
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Liberating Effect of September 2013 and the 9 Vibration
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