Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen."
~ Wayne Dyer

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What would you like to start, create or birth now?

What dream or desire is poking and prodding you?

Today might be a great day to go for it. There is a new moon today (May 9th) with a solar eclipse in Taurus.

New Moons and Solar Eclipses bring NEW beginnings. As one astrologer I know puts it "Solar eclipses are New Moons on Steroids."

So apply a little Moon Magic to your life and visualize what you wish to bring forth.

Be a Conscious Creator in your life.

What do you want? Really want? Don't let your fear aound is it possible get in your way. Possibilities are endless.

Since the moon is in Taurus... What would make you feel opulent, comfortable, cared for?

Why not include those elements in the essence of what you wish to creat next in your life.

What project or new "speicial thing" would you like to start? Perhaps NOW is a good time to get going on it!

Some suggestions for using the new moon to to boost your Mojo:

1. Get clear on what you want to bring forth, birth, start, create...

2. Set your intent (intent is key... no wishing washy wishing here!)

3. Write a Wish List to the Universe... including what you want to be, do or have over the next 6 months to a year (or further out if you like) 

4. Next step is to focus on the list and send energy into it, bringing your emotions into it! How will it feel when you have it?

5. You might want to make up an affirmation to say every day regarding the things on your list. Example: "I am so happy, grateful and blessed now that I have/am ________________. "  (YES, it is important to put in in present tense as if it already is)

5a. If you're not trusting or believing you can have what you wrote on the list... well start with an affirmation like this: "I am so happy, grateful and blessed now that I am WILLING to have/be ___________."

6. Now take your list and do one of the following or something else that you feel guided to do:

  • Burn it (safely of course!) - knowing the energy of the list is being carrried up into the heavens,
  • Plant it (tear it up into timy pieces and pretend these are seeds.; dig a hole in the ground and plant them, knowing your "seeds" will sprout and bear fruit (energetically speaking!)
  • Put it in your "God" box/jar (so you are symbolically giving this over to a higher power to handle the "how to make it happen bits")
  • Put it on your alter
  • Put it under your pillow

Let that energy of what you wish to birth, begin or create ripple out, creating magnetic waves of attraction between you and what you wish to create now.

Play with it!

Think Big. Think Bold. Think Beautiful. (it is a Taurus moon after all!).

New Moon Blessings to You!


PS. The new moon energy is strongest today (May 9th), tomorrow (May 10th) and Saturday (May 11th). You could even do your little ceremony on Sunday. The important thing is setting your intent and just doing it!


Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Thursday, May 9, 2013 12:00 AM
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Great Time to Start Something! Boost Your Creative Mojo with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse
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