Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Anonymous

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by Karen M. Winkelman Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Moon Alert! Saturday, June 8 is a new moon in Gemini.

The energy of this moon is around communication, and not just with others, but within our self as well.

It is a calling to integrate your logic mind with emotions so they work together... Heart & Head united. (Which, BTW, will be the theme for 2014).

New Moons are times of new beginnings, the birthing of something you wish to create, the void where you bring forth inspiration, dreams and visions and anchor them to the material plane.

Focus your intent on what you wish to create now and going forward.

Perhaps do a little ceremony (there's one on my blog if you're interested – here - the ceremony is about halfway down the page, under the heading "Some suggestions for using the new moon to to boost your Mojo")

From a numerology perspective...

This new moon is a 20/2 - this is a call for a spiritual awakening as well as a focus on relationship, cooperation, collaboration, compromise.

Sometimes the relationship we need to address is the one with our self.

  • Where are you out of alignment?
  • What inconsistencies are you experiencing (say/feel one thing and do another thing instead)?
  • Are you walking your talk?
  • Are you speaking your truth?
  • Are you speaking up for yourself and what you feel in your heart?
  • Are you speaking kind words or harsh words to yourself?

Set your intention:

  • What do you want to create?
  • What positive changes do you wish to make in your life, your career, your relationships?
  • What truth do you want to express?
  • How would you like to express yourself?
  • What improvements would you like to see in your communications with others?
  • What steps would you like to take to improve your intuition?
  • What steps would you like to take in following your inner guidance system?
  • What would you like to write – book, story, article, poem, or something else – to communicate and share your thoughts, ideas and your message?
  • What creative or artistic expression would you find fulfilling and a powerful act of self love and self-expression?

Perhaps journal on these or other ideas that come to you to get some clarity about what you wish to bring into existence now.

Listen to your intuition!

Practice discerning the difference between your thoughts and your intuitive guidance.

Refrain from over-thinking this!

Remember, it is about Head and Heart working TOGETHER!

Got it? Great!

Now, go on…

Create your magic... the moon is working with you…

Love & Blessings to you,

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Saturday, June 8, 2013 12:00 AM
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Self-Acceptance, Manifesting
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Gemini New Moon Triggers Communication Awareness
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