We're coming up on a full moon in the wee hours of the morning (in AZ & PDT zones). This full moon is in Aquarius.
Full moons are completion and great for releasing that which no longer serves you.
Set your intent on what you wish to release and also honor and celebrate (or at the very least acknowledge!) what has come to completion for you recently.
As you think about these things, and if...
Categories: Numerology, Healing, Energy
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Saturday Mercury goes direct...
is that a collective sigh of relief I hear?
Remember to give it a couple of days for the retrograde energy to settle back into a more "normal" flow before you start anything new or buy those enticing electronics.
Yes, this Mercury retrograde has been interesting and challenging for many. We had more than the normal tech hiccups at my house.
And communications and plans have been so "mercurical" that it's...
Categories: Self-Care, Energy
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"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." - Anonymous
Obstacles are opportunities in disguise...
They let you know where you are wobbly on your path,
and where you may not believe it is possible, or
where you might have a hidden conflict
(wanting it and not wanting it at the same time... yes, we do that!).
When you are confronted with an obstacle, ask:
"What is...
Categories: Healing, Manifesting, Receiving
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What’s in store for July 2013?
July may be an interesting combination of flipping from being very emotional to being very logical or “living in your head.”
July has a 7 vibration to it, which is about wisdom, investigation, intellect and intuition. The 7 vibration is also about balancing Head and Heart – Intellect and Intuition.
So this month is more about going within, being introspective, and trying to understand the nature of things…...
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Self-Care, Energy
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